Friday, January 7, 2011

Coconut Cream Pie

This pie turned out so yummy, I had some for breakfast :)  A favorite for many!

Coconut Cream Pie

1 Baked Pie Crust
4 eggs, yolks seperated
3/4 c sugar
1/4 c cornstarch
2 1/2 c Half and Half, or you can you Milk as well
1 Tbsp butter
1 1/2 tsp vanilla
1 c Flaked Coconut

Prepare pie crust per box directions, or you can make your own...I cheat and just buy it b/c it just makes things a little easier.  Seperate egg yolks from whites, putting whites in a large mixing bowl and let them come to room temp. 
Preheat oven to 325 degrees.  Combine sugar and cornstarch in large sauce pot and put on medium-high heat and gradually whisk in half and half.  Continuing stirring until mixture thickens and starts to bubble.  Let cook for a couple of minutes and KEEP stirring.  It is important to keep stirring so that the mixture doesn't burn on the bottom of the pot.  Remove from heat and add butter, vanilla, and coconut.  Pour filling into baked pie crust.
For meringue topping, take the four egg whites and add 1 tsp Vanilla and 1/2 tsp Cream of Tartar.  Beat on medium speed until soft peaks form.  Then gradually add 1/2 c sugar until stiff peaks form and sugar has dissolved.  *To check if sugar is dissolved, rub a little of the meringue between your fingers to see if it's grainy or not.
Spoon Meringue onto filling while its still hot.  This starts to cook meringue so it bonds to the filling and doesn't create a watery layer between the meringue and filling.  Make sure you push the meringue topping to the edges of the pie crust to seal it.  If you don't your meringue will shrink while cooling.  Sprinkle with 1/4 c coconut and bake for 30 mins. Let cool for 1 hour before refrigerating.  Refrigerate for 3-6 hrs before serving.
Serve and Enjoy!!

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