Monday, January 3, 2011

A little about myself

Hi!  My name is Amanda!  I just wanted to tell you a little about myself and why i'm starting this blog.  I recently had boy/girl twins which interupted my culinary education.  I was attending The Chefs Academy in Indianapolis, In and going into my internship when I found out.  I got to finish my internship but did not get to do my externship because I had my babies 11 weeks early and spent the first 3 months of their lives visiting them in the NICU.  Needeless to say I did not technically finish school but I did recieve all of my education.  In order to do my externship I would have to work a 40 hour job and that just doesn't work for us.  But I have a very wonderful, supportive fiance and get the luxery of staying home with my babies.  In order to continue my love of cooking/baking (and stay sane), I have decided to start this blog.  Taking care of twins is a difficult task but I wouldn't trade it in for anything else in the world!!  So to start, with the help of technolgy, I am goign to start baking/cooking something special every week, hoping that it will snowball into something I can turn into a career.  So, last night on FacebooknI decided to ask for suggestions on what to make for the upcoming week and hopefully have the chance to donate it or give it to someone in need.  So, this is my beginning and I hope everyone enjoys getting to watch my journey and gives my feedback I can use.  I would like to thank you ahead of time for your support and interest.

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